Choosing the best balance bike for your child can seem like a daunting task, especially if you have no experience with bicycles. Do you know what size? What type of bike is right for your child’s age and skill level? And which brand should you buy from? In this article we will help answer these questions and more as we explore the different types of bikes available to kids today.
Why balance bikes are a great option for kids
Balance bikes are a great option for kids because they teach them the basics of biking – balance and steering. With no pedals, a child who is just learning to ride can start out on their feet. When they have the skill down, they can then transition onto a bike with pedals that goes faster than an ordinary two wheeled bicycle. This means that they don’t have to spend years learning how to master the most basic skills on a bike before moving onto one with pedals.
Balance bikes also provide children with an opportunity for success because kids can get up and off again if they fall down while riding, without having to worry about being run over by faster-moving bicycles. When you’re first learning to ride, it’s very easy for kids to fall off and then get intimidated by the thought of getting back on. Balance bikes are a great option because they don’t have to worry about fear holding them back from practicing their riding skills.
What Are The benefits of using a balance bike?
Balance bikes can also be a great option for parents who want their child to learn how to ride on two wheels without worrying about the bike getting dirty or damaged. Balance bikes are typically made of plastic, so they will not rust like metal bicycles and won’t get as scratched up when kids are learning how to navigate bumpy terrain. They’re also designed to be used on dirt paths, gravel and other unpaved surfaces – meaning they’ll stand up against the elements a lot better than bikes with metal frames.
In the simplest terms, these bikes make it easier for kids to learn how to ride a bike and they’re great because children can’t get hurt while riding them.
Balance Bikes: Who needs pedals?
Kids who are just learning to balance on two wheels can start out with a balance bike that has no pedals . They can also be used by older kids who want to learn how to ride a bike and would like some help with the most basic skills before moving onto one that has pedals.
Balance bikes are typically less expensive than pedal bikes, but they provide children with an excellent opportunity for success at learning how to balance on two wheels without having to worry about falling over and getting run over by faster-moving bicycles.
What Kinds of Balance Bikes Can You Buy Today?
There are a few different types of balance bikes available to kids today. The most popular is the classic two wheeled style that looks like an ordinary bike, but with no pedals and only one hand brake to control speed. There’s also the three-wheeler style which has a seat that sits off the ground on some sort of stand or platform. This type of balance bike is designed for older children who have mastered the art of balancing on two wheels, but might not be able to grasp steering just yet.
What Size Balance Bike Should You Buy?
When you’re shopping for a new balance bike, it’s important that the seat height and handlebars are adjusted to suit your child’s size and the type of bike they’re riding.
For example, a three-wheeled balance bike will require more height than a two-wheeler because kids are going to be sitting on it as opposed to standing up straight like with a classic balance bike. The seat should also be adjusted so that your child is sitting upright instead of straddling the bike.
What Type of Bike is Right for Your Child’s Age and Skill Level?
Balance bikes are typically used by children between the ages of two to five years old, but this really depends on how advanced they are at balancing themselves. Some kids might be ready to do without pedals as soon as they’re able to balance on two wheels while others might need the pedals to speed up and stay seated.
Balance bikes are designed with a low center-of-gravity, which makes it easier for kids to learn how to balance themselves without having any other distractions like handling of brakes or steering. This is what sets them apart from ordinary bicycles that have three wheels and require kids to focus on steering.
The best bike for your child will depend on their size and the level of balance they have attained, but there are some general guidelines you can follow when making a choice.
What to look for when buying one
The best balance bikes for children will have a weight limit of 55 pounds and wheels that are 12 inches in diameter. These features help to ensure that your child can use the bike safely, while also helping them with steering control and speed on rough terrain.
Whether they’re made from plastic or metal, it’s important to make sure the bike is lightweight and durable. You’ll also want to look for a bike with adjustable handle bars so it fits your child’s height, as well as a seat that can be adjusted up or down to fit their size.
The best balance bikes will have brakes on both wheels (either hand-operated levers or foot pedals) because this helps children slow down and stop more easily. The frame should be made of steel or aluminum, while the seat can be either plastic or metal – this is purely a personal preference that depends on what your child likes to ride in at home before they get on their bike.
The least expensive balance bikes will have cheaper parts like tires with fewer spokes which make it easier for your child to balance because they don’t poke the inside of their legs. A higher priced bike will be made with better materials and might even have a more comfortable seat for children who spend a lot of time on it.
Balance bikes are great for kids because they can’t get hurt while riding them, but the best type will depend on your child’s age, skill level and what they like to do.
What Are The best brands and models on the market?
A great place to start looking is, of course, online stores such as Amazon. You can also visit your local bike store and while they’ll have a variety of different models and brands, including some that are made in-house by their mechanics or other staff members, they will not have the same range that online stockists do. Hand-made bikes will also be more expensive than those sold at sporting goods stores like REI, for example, because they’re not as mass produced – however, this does mean that you can feel more comfortable buying them because they will be tailor made for your child.
If you’re looking for a bike that has pedals but is still fairly lightweight, one of the best models on the market right now is the Kettler Smart Balance Bike with Training Wheels and Back Rest – it’s easy to assemble (no tools needed) and perfect for kids ages two-five years old.
An alternative is to look for a bike that has pedals and doesn’t have any other distracting features like training wheels or back rests. This will be lighter than the Kettler model, but it might not come with as many extra accessories.
The Retrospec Cub Kids Balance Bike is also great for kids who are able to balance on two wheels while others might need the pedals to speed up and stay seated.
If you’re looking for a bike with training wheels, then one of the best brands is Strider – they make bikes that help children learn how to ride without any other distractions like steering or breaking. They come in models for both big and small kids, so you should be able to find one that matches your child’s size.
Some kids might be ready to do without pedals as soon as they’re able to balance on two wheels while others might need the pedals to speed up and stay seated. Balance bikes are designed with a low center-ofbalance which makes it easier
How to choose the right size of balance bike for your child:
Balance bikes are made in many different sizes from 16 inches to 26 inches, but make sure you know your child’s height so they can properly use it.
Some children might be ready to do without pedals as soon as they’re able to balance on two wheels while others might need the pedals to speed up and stay seated. Balance bikes are designed with a low center-ofbalance which makes it easier
Balance bikes are made in many different sizes from 16 inches to 26 inches, but make sure you know your child’s height so they can properly use it. However this is a general guideline for choosing the right size of balance bike: if their feet touch the ground when sitting on the seat and there’s only one or two fingers’ width between the ground and the bike, then it’s probably the right size.
Tips on how to use it safely and effectively:
– Make sure the bike is the right size for your child. The seat should be high enough so their feet don’t touch the ground while they’re sitting on it and there’s only one or two fingers’ width between the ground and bike, but low enough that when they lean forward to push off with their foot, there isn’t too much of a risk that they’ll tip over.
– Start with the bike’s seat in an upright position and let your child practice balancing on two wheels while holding onto you for support or sitting down next to the bike. Have them use their feet to start, but eventually show them how to kick off when they’re ready.
– Once they’re able to balance on two wheels, you can teach them how to do a pedal push by having one hand on the seat and pushing off with their foot.
– Make sure your child’s bike has reflectors or lights if they’ll be riding at night in low visibility areas like sidewalks.
If the bike doesn’t come with a seatpost, then teach them how to mount and dismount their balance bike in an upright position by using both hands on the handlebars (ideally while wearing a helmet).
So, thats it, hopefully you have learned a few things about how to choose the best balance bike for your toddler in this article. As always, if you have any comments or questions please feel free to get in touch, or leave a comment below. Happy cycling!